1st Male Tapir Born At S'pore Night Safari

Singapore's Night Safari has just welcomed the cutest littlest guy to its family – a Malayan baby tapir!

His name is Bintang. And he has the softest brown eyes. Just look at 'em.

Bintang is the 32nd tapir calf to join the family. In July 2019, a female baby tapir named Sutera was born.

Tapir calves are born brown with adorable white spots and stripes that help them camouflage with forest floors during their vulnerable age.

Over the course of six months, their pattern begins to gradually change into the solid black and white coat that we see on adult tapirs.

Malayan tapirs are listed as an endangered species.

In Malaysia, especially, these creatures are often killed due to deforestation and poaching.

Malaysian Wildlife also notes that the tapir has poor eyesight, making it an easy target on highways.

As a result, it is reported that there are only about 2,500 Malayan tapirs left in the world.

So it's truly a celebration when a new calf is born!
